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Minimum size and positioning of imaging field for CBCT scans of impacted maxillary canines

Julkaisun tekijätPakbaznejad Esmaeili E., Ilo A., Waltimo-Sirén J., Ekholm M.

KustantajaSpringer Verlag


JournalClinical Oral Investigations

Tietokannassa oleva lehden nimiClinical Oral Investigations



Lopetussivun numero905



Rinnakkaistallenteen osoite


Objectives: In children and adolescents, cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) is frequently used for localization of unerupted or impacted teeth in the anterior maxilla. CBCT causes a higher radiation dose than conventional intraoral and panoramic imaging. The objective was to analyze the location of impacted canines in a three-dimensional coordinate and thereby optimize the CBCT field-of-view (FOV), for radiation dose reduction.

Materials and methods: Location of 50 impacted maxillary canines of children under 17 years was retrospectively evaluated from CBCT scans. The minimum and maximum distances of any part of the right- and left-side canines to three anatomic reference planes were measured to assess the adequate size and position of a cylindrical image volume.

Results: A cylinder sized 39.0 (diameter)×33.2 (height) mm, with its top situated 13.8 mm above the hard palate, its medial edge 8.4 mm across the midline, and anterior edge 2.5 mm in front of the labial surface of maxillary central incisors fitted all the analyzed canines.

Conclusions: In this sample, the FOV required for imaging maxillary impacted canines was smaller than the smallest FOV offered by common CBCT devices. We encourage development of indication-specific CBCT imaging programs and aids to facilitate optimum patient positioning.

Clinical relevance: An impacted maxillary canine is a common dental problem and a frequent indication for 3D imaging particularly in growing individuals. This article focuses on the optimization of CBCT of impacted canines. Our recommendation of a reduced FOV promotes radiation safety.

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Last updated on 2022-07-04 at 17:43