Muu (O2)

Environmental Management Tool for Maritime Transportation and Ports

Julkaisun tekijätBrunila Olli-Pekka, Inkinen Tommi, Kunnaala-Hyrkki Vappu


Konferenssin vakiintunut nimiInternational Association of Maritime Economists


Kirjan nimi *Impact of COVID-19 on the Maritime Industry: Challenges and Responses


Lopetussivun numero1130



Global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions have not decreased even though ambitious goals have been designated around the world in order to cut the emission levels substantially 2030–2060. Maritime transportation and port systems, used regularly by export industries, produce significant amount of the global GHGs and other emissions components like micro-particles near the coastline and ports. Ships and vessels are mostly diesel bunker C powered. This study analyses the ways 1) how to manage environmental requirements and emissions in ports, and 2) how to increase reliability of environmental management processes in the maritime transports. The paper presents a systematic classification tool to solve problems in the emissions management. The paper presents tangible examples, how maritime transport and port integrate by assessing four conceptual dimensions: Management, Responsibility, Impact, and Performance. The paper considers emission regulation and provides comparative examples of the significance of the selected environmental management solutions. The paper concludes with suggestions for the future research.

Last updated on 2022-19-09 at 13:59