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Identification and Distribution of Sterols, Bile Acids, and Acylcarnitines by LC-MS/MS in Humans, Mice, and Pigs-A Qualitative Analysis

Julkaisun tekijätBabu Ambrin Farizah, Koistinen Ville Mikael, Turunen Soile, Solano-Aguilar Gloria, Urban Jospeh F, Zarei Imam, Hanhineva Kati





Tietokannassa oleva lehden nimiMETABOLITES

Lehden akronyymiMETABOLITES

Artikkelin numero 49



Sivujen määrä18




Rinnakkaistallenteen osoite

Sterols, bile acids, and acylcarnitines are key players in human metabolism. Precise annotations of these metabolites with mass spectrometry analytics are challenging because of the presence of several isomers and stereoisomers, variability in ionization, and their relatively low concentrations in biological samples. Herein, we present a sensitive and simple qualitative LC-MS/MS (liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry) method by utilizing a set of pure chemical standards to facilitate the identification and distribution of sterols, bile acids, and acylcarnitines in biological samples including human stool and plasma; mouse ileum, cecum, jejunum content, duodenum content, and liver; and pig bile, proximal colon, cecum, heart, stool, and liver. With this method, we detected 24 sterol, 32 bile acid, and 27 acylcarnitine standards in one analysis that were separated within 13 min by reversed-phase chromatography. Further, we observed different sterol, bile acid, and acylcarnitine profiles for the different biological samples across the different species. The simultaneous detection and annotation of sterols, bile acids, and acylcarnitines from reference standards and biological samples with high precision represents a valuable tool for screening these metabolites in routine scientific research.

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Last updated on 2022-27-04 at 09:23