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Rethinking Smart City Futures Through Greensight

Julkaisun tekijätAna Jones, Amos Taylor

Konferenssin vakiintunut nimiNordiCHI 2020

PaikkaTalinn, Estonia - online workshop session


Sarjan nimiDecoding The Smart City, NordiCHI 2020 workshop


Rinnakkaistallenteen osoite


Decoding The Smart City, NordiCHI 2020 workshop Position paper:

With this paper,we propose the use of the concept of Greensightas a futures studies approach to explore the broader,more philosophical understanding of the smart city and its impact. With this,explored are different types of “data” sets that are guided by the relationships:human, tangible, and intangible. Ultimately, in ”decoding the smart city,” we are explore more deeply into the methods for assessment from a more humanistic view and looking at how that relates to its transformation, and relationship inside the built environment and in connection with its natural enabling systems.

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Last updated on 2021-24-06 at 10:52