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Reconfiguring health knowledges? Contemporary modes of self-care as ‘everyday fringe medicine’

Julkaisun tekijätVuolanto Pia, Harley Bergroth, Johanna Nurmi, Suvi Salmenniemi

KustantajaSAGE Publications


JournalPublic Understanding of Science




Lopetussivun numero523

Sivujen määrä16





Rinnakkaistallenteen osoite


The contestation of expertise is perhaps nowhere more pronounced than in
the field of health and well-being, on which this article focuses. A
multitude of practices and communities that stand in contentious
relationships with established forms of medical expertise and promote
personalised modes of self-care have proliferated across Euro-American
societies. Drawing on multi-sited ethnography in three domains –
body–mind–spirit therapies, vaccine hesitancy and consumer-grade digital
self-tracking – we map such practices through the concept of ‘everyday
fringe medicine’. The concept of everyday fringe medicine enables us to
bring together various critical health and well-being practices and to
unravel the complex modes of contestation and appreciation of the
medical establishment that are articulated within them. We find three
critiques of the medical establishment – critiques of medical knowledge
production, professional practices and the knowledge base – which make
visible the complexities related to public understandings of science
within everyday fringe medicine.

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This reprint may differ from the original in pagination and typographic detail. Please cite the original version.

Last updated on 2022-07-04 at 18:17