Refereed journal article or data article (A1)

Landscape 100: How Finland, Estonia and Latvia Used Landscape in Celebrating their Centenary Anniversaries

List of AuthorsAnu Printsmann, Hannu Linkola, Anita Zariņa, Margarita Vološina, Maunu Häyrynen, Hannes Palang

PublisherDe Gruyter

Publication year2019

JournalEuropean Countryside

Volume number11

Issue number2

Start page187

End page210

Number of pages24




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In the aftermath of what was then the Great War several European countries like Finland, Estonia and Latvia gained independence, marking their centenary jubilees 2017–2018. This paper observes how landscapes were used in anniversary celebrations and what historical themes were foregrounded and which omitted, revealing how collective historical commemoration in landscape enacts within national identity framework depending also on how landscape is understood in each respective country.

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Last updated on 2022-07-04 at 17:23