Muu (O2)

Learning to navigate under managerialism: The case of a cross-disciplinary research initiative

Julkaisun tekijätJaakko Siltaloppi, Juha Laurila, Karlos Artto

Konferenssin vakiintunut nimiEuropean Group for Organizational Studies Colloquium



In this paper, we
examine how professionals maintain resilience under managerial control in the
university context. We identify three forms of resilience (protective,
independent and adaptive resilience) and their associated constitutive goods (scientific
discovery, relevant solutions and effective scholarship). This conceptualisation
of resilience extends current research by suggesting that professionals in
general and academics in particular respond differently to managerialism
depending on which constitutive goods managerial control supports or threatens.
Finally, we complement existing research by showing that managerial control
does not necessarily alter professionals’ conceptions of good which define what
they consider to be most fundamental to their work.

Last updated on 2021-24-06 at 09:52