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Teaching practice in the training of special education teachers in Finland

Julkaisun tekijätTakala Marjatta, Sutela Katja, Ojala Sonja, Saarinen Minna

KustantajaRoutledge, Taylor & Francis Group


JournalEuropean Journal of Special Needs Education




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The aim of this study was to explore the core of teaching practice as a part of the curricula for master’s degree in special teacher education. The data consisted of the curricula of teaching practice of all six universities in Finland that offer this program, along with the results of an electronic questionnaire administered to students. The curricula were obtained from the internet and the questionnaire was delivered to special education students at two of the six universities. Content analysis was used as a method. According to the results the curricula could be compressed into eight key elements, main of which were basic special education competence, advanced methods, collaboration, and interaction skills. Unfortunately, just 54 students responded to the questionnaire. However, they considered teaching practice a relevant part of their studies. They were satisfied with the supervision although, they commented, it could have been more frequent. The results are discussed using a four point frame of curriculum, pointing to the rare possibilities of students to negotiate or to feel empowered.

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Last updated on 2023-29-03 at 07:11