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How does technology challenge teacher education?

Julkaisun tekijätKaminskienė Lina, Järvelä Sanna, Lehtinen Erno



JournalInternational journal of educational technology in higher education

Lehden akronyymiIJETHE

Artikkelin numero64



Lopetussivun numero9




Rinnakkaistallenteen osoite


The paper presents an overview of challenges and demands related to teachers’ digital skills and technology integration into educational content and processes. The paper raises a debate how technologies have created new skills gaps in pre-service and in-service teacher training and how that affected traditional forms of teacher education. Accordingly, it is discussed what interventions might be applicable to different contexts to address these challenges. It is argued that technologies should be viewed both as the field where new competences should be developed and at the same time as the method used in developing learning environments for teacher students.

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Last updated on 2023-15-06 at 16:09