Muu (O2)

News media and deplatformization: Need and potential to "break free" from online platforms

Julkaisun tekijätLindén Carl-Gustav, Grönlund Mikko, Villi Mikko, Lehtisaari Katja, Tuulonen Hanna, Niemi Liisa

Konferenssin vakiintunut nimiemma 2022 Reorganization of Media Industries: Digital Transformation, Entrepreneurship, and Regulation



The impact of platforms has been a strong theme in media and journalism research during the past ten years. Platformisation represents a complex relationship between the platform companies and legacy media, with also negative outcomes. Media organisations and journalists ask themselves to what degree they have handed over their autonomy, agency and authority to outside actors with little to none genuine interest in the role of journalism in democracy or the wellbeing of society overall. In our paper, we explore platformisation from the perspective of mitigation strategies, or what we refer to as deplatformisation. Deplatformisation has previously focused mostly on the removal of problematic groups and individuals from social media, but now we approach deplatformisation as those strategies and business models that news media apply to reduce their institutional dependence on online platforms. We explore deplatformisation in the Nordic news media through thirteen in-depth interviews with media managers, platform representatives and industry experts from Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, and the UK.

Last updated on 2023-14-03 at 10:51