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Malignant transformation of oral epithelial dysplasia in Southwest Finland

Julkaisun tekijätNevanpää Toni T., Terävä Antti E., Laine Hanna K., Rautava Jaana



JournalScientific Reports

Tietokannassa oleva lehden nimiSCIENTIFIC REPORTS

Lehden akronyymiSCI REP-UK

Artikkelin numero 8261


Sivujen määrä7





Rinnakkaistallenteen osoite

Oral epithelial dysplasia (OED) is considered a risk for oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC). A meta-analysis estimated a mean malignant transformation rate of 12.1% (95% CI 8.1-17.9). The main target of this study was to define how many OED patients develop OSCC in the hospital district of Southwest Finland. A total of 571 patients diagnosed with OED were identified. Their potential subsequent diagnosis of OSCC was derived from the Finnish Cancer Registry. The risk of OSCC development in OED patients was compared with that of the general population without OED. During a mean follow-up of 5.5 (range 0.1-29.0) years 10.9% of OED patients developed OSCC. OED patients had a 44.7-fold higher risk (95% CI 34.4-56.7) of developing OSCC than the general population. The risk was at its highest within two years of OED diagnosis. OED patients in Southwest Finland have a significantly increased risk of developing OSCC relative to the general population, especially within the first two years of dysplasia diagnosis.

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Last updated on 2022-23-06 at 15:05