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Kaikkitietävä ajaton Jumala: aikaindeksikaalien ongelma

Julkaisun tekijätMaunu Ari

KustantajaTeologinen Aikakauskirja



JournalTeologinen Aikakauskirja




Lopetussivun numero127

Sivujen määrä7

Rinnakkaistallenteen osoite


Is God a timeless God? One
standard argument against the supposition that He is that it appears to be
incompatible with God’s posited omniscience. If God is timeless, He cannot know
truths involving temporal indexicals, such as the one I express right now by ”I
am sitting now”. In this article, I discuss this argument and consider some
replies to it. I focus on the denial of the view according to which knowledge
expressed with temporally indexical true statements is relevantly different from
knowledge expressed with corresponding statements without indexicals.

Ladattava julkaisu

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This reprint may differ from the original in pagination and typographic detail. Please cite the original version.

Last updated on 2022-07-04 at 17:42