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Suomi arktisen alueen vastuulliseksi edelläkävijäksi – toimenpide-ehdotuksia yleisen kehityksen, meriklusterin ja matkailun edistämiseksi vuoteen 2035

Julkaisun tekijätKaroliina Pilli-Sihvola, Daria Grítsenko, Riina Haavisto, Atte Harjanne, Pekka Iivari, Sanna Kyyrä, Riitta Pöntynen, Sari Repka, Anne Suominen, Hanna Virta, Veli-Pekka Tynkkynen, Adriaan Perrels

KustantajaValtioneuvoston kanslia



Sarjan nimiValtioneuvoston selvitys- ja tutkimustoiminnan julkaisusarja

Numero sarjassa10/2016


Lopetussivun numero80

Sivujen määrä80




Rinnakkaistallenteen osoitehttps://www.researchgate.net/publication/299511721_Suomi_arktisen_alueen_vastuulliseksi_edellakavijaksi_-_toimenpide-ehdotuksia_yleisen_kehityksen_meriklusterin_ja_matkailun_edistamiseksi_vuoteen_2035


This report presents the recommendations and measures for Finland’s journey toward responsible Arctic
development, as identified in the MERMAID-project. The focus is on general issues and business,
with a special focus on the maritime cluster and tourism sector. Furthermore, the report presents an
analysis of the Russian Arctic energy policy based on academic literature and media-analysis.
To further the general development of the Arctic, the project recommends, inter alia, increasing the national
priority of environmental protection, creating a supportive environment for national Arctic business
and commerce, and increasing the openness of the international Arctic investment markets. To further
the maritime sector, the project recommends, inter alia, increasing the collaboration between the maritime
cluster and energy and resource extraction sectors, and creating an offshore and subsea education
programme. To further the tourism sector, the project recommends, inter alia, utilizing the experiences
and knowledge in the everyday Arctic by e.g. branding the idea ‘Arctic is Cool’ and increasing the
know-how of Arctic tourism operators.
The project also recommends open collaboration and knowledge sharing with Russia. Russia’s main
interest in the Arctic is the utilization of hydrocarbons, but the Russian energy projects should be assessed
not only from economic perspective, but also from political viewpoint. However, the complicated
nature of climate change impacts are posing restrictions on operating in the Arctic.
The consequences of the recommendations, the conditions for successful implementation, and risks
have been analysed with respect to the three future scenarios constructed during the project.

Last updated on 2023-28-02 at 11:52