Milica Todorovic

+358 29 450 3619

+358 50 535 9519


My phone number is +358 50 331 0029.

ORCID identifier

ORCID record

ResearcherID K-3350-2014

Google Scholar

Areas of expertise
computational materials science; first principles simulations; hybrid organic/inorganic materials; surface science; artificial intelligence; data science; Bayesian optimization


I lead the Materials Informatics Laboratory group at UTU. My research combines aritifical intelligence algorithms and first-principles simulations with the objective to optimize functional materials and their performance in devices. At MIL, we purpuse data-driven solutions across disciplines, from aerosol research to chemical engineering bio-based materials, from computation to experiment. 

Vice-director of SUSMAT (Sustainable Materials and Manufacturing) UTU profiling area
Vice-chair of COST Action CA22154 - Data-driven Applications towards the Engineering of functional Materials: an Open Network (DAEMON) 


Head of the Modern Industrial Materials MSc track
MTEK0023 Data Visualisation and Analysis
MTEK0023 Simulations and New Materials
​​​​​​​MTEK0024 Machine Learning for Materials Science

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Last updated on 2024-02-03 at 01:16