Refereed review article in scientific journal (A2)

Carnal pleasures

List of AuthorsNummenmaa Lauri, van Dillen Lotte

PublisherElsevier Ltd

Publication year2021

JournalCurrent Opinion in Behavioral Sciences

Journal name in sourceCurrent Opinion in Behavioral Sciences

Volume number39

Start page85

End page92


Self-archived copy’s web address


Pleasures are tightly intertwined with the body. Enjoyment derived from sex, feeding and social touch originate from somatosensory and gustatory processing, and pleasant emotions also markedly influence bodily states tied to the reproductive, digestive, skeletomuscular, and endocrine systems. Here, we review recent research on bodily pleasures, focussing on consummatory sensory pleasures. We discuss how different pleasures have distinct sensory inputs and behavioural outputs and review the data on the role of the somatosensory and interoceptive systems in social bonding. Finally, we review the role of gustatory pleasures in feeding and obesity, and discuss the underlying pathophysiological mechanisms. We conclude that different pleasures have distinct inputs and specific outputs, and that their regulatory functions should be understood in light of these specific profiles in addition to generic reward mechanisms.

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