Refereed journal article or data article (A1)

On the phylogenetic position of the genus Claopodium: a revival of a 19th century idea

List of AuthorsIgnatov Michael S., Huttunen Sanna, Kuznetsova Oxana I.

PublisherKMK Scienctific Press

Publication year2020


Journal acronymArctoa

Volume number29

Issue number1

Start page1

End page9


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Molecular phylogenetic analysis of nuclear ITS and plastid rps4–trnS found species of the genus
Claopodium in the clade formed by species of Brachytheciaceae and Meteoriaceae, including
Trachypodaceae. Claopodium is resolved as sister to Brachytheciaceae, thus we suggest its placement
in this family, despite it will be the only taxon of the family with pluripapillose laminal cells. The
taxonomic value of the papillose leaf cells in pleurocarpous mosses is discussed.

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Last updated on 2022-07-04 at 18:19