Refereed journal article or data article (A1)

Adaptive dynamics of cooperation may prevent the coexistence of defectors and cooperators and even cause extinction

List of AuthorsParvinen Kalle

PublisherROYAL SOC

Publication year2010

JournalProceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences


Journal acronymP ROY SOC B-BIOL SCI

Number in series1693

Volume number277

Issue number1693

Start page2493

End page2501

Number of pages9



It has recently been demonstrated that ecological feedback mechanisms can facilitate the emergence and maintenance of cooperation in public goods interactions: the replicator dynamics of defectors and cooperators can result, for example, in the ecological coexistence of cooperators and defectors. Here we show that these results change dramatically if cooperation strategy is not fixed but instead is a continuously varying trait under natural selection. For low values of the factor with which the value of resources is multiplied before they are shared among all participants, evolution will always favour lower cooperation strategies until the population falls below an Allee threshold and goes extinct, thus evolutionary suicide occurs. For higher values of the factor, there exists a unique evolutionarily singular strategy, which is convergence stable. Because the fitness function is linear with respect to the strategy of the mutant, this singular strategy is neutral against mutant invasions. This neutrality disappears if a nonlinear functional response in receiving benefits is assumed. For strictly concave functional responses, singular strategies become uninvadable. Evolutionary branching, which could result in the evolutionary emergence of cooperators and defectors, can occur only with locally convex functional responses, but we illustrate that it can also result in coevolutionary extinction.

Last updated on 2021-24-06 at 12:08