Refereed article in conference proceedings (A4)

Security of LoRaWAN v1.1 in Backward Compatibility Scenarios

List of AuthorsTahsin C.M. Dönmez, Ethiopia Nigussie

EditorsElhadi Shakshuki, Ansar Yasar

Conference nameInternational Conference on Mobile Systems and Pervasive Computing

PublisherElsevier B.V.

Publication year2018

JournalProcedia Computer Science

Book title *The 15th International Conference on Mobile Systems and Pervasive Computing (MobiSPC 2018) / The 13th International Conference on Future Networks and Communications (FNC-2018) / Affiliated Workshops

Journal name in sourceProcedia Computer Science

Title of seriesProcedia Computer Science

Volume number134

Start page51

End page58



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We present security vulnerabilities of LoRaWAN v1.1 in backward
compatibility scenarios and propose countermeasures. Novel low-power
wireless communication technologies are continuously introduced into the
IoT ecosystem, while the existing ones continue their evolution by
adding new features and fixing known problems. Since most of IoT-based
applications involve communication of sensitive data with remote users,
it is crucial to scrutinize the security of the emerging low-power
wireless communication technologies. LoRaWAN is a Low Power Wide Area
Network (LPWAN) protocol that is optimized for wireless battery-powered
IoT devices. The current LoRaWAN v1.1 states only one possible backward
compatibility scenario without defining all the associated security
behaviors and their implications for the system’s overall security. This
work examines the applicability of v1.0.2 attacks in fall-back cases by
consolidating the vulnerabilities of v1.0.2 and the resulting attacks.
After determining the possible attacks, countermeasures to prevent DoS
attacks that target the join procedure, replay of data, and eavesdropping in backward compatibility scenarios are proposed.

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Last updated on 2022-07-04 at 17:01