Refereed article in compilation book (A3)

J.V. Snellman on Rights and Recognition

List of AuthorsEerik Lagerspetz, Sari Roman-Lagerspetz

PublisherVerlag Holler


Publication year2017

Book title *Finnish-German Yearbook of Political Economy

Volume number1

Issue number1

Start page1

End page18


Self-archived copy’s web address


J. V. Snellman (1806-1881), was the
un-official intellectual leader and political strategist of the 19th
century Finnish national movement. In 1863, he was nominated to the Senate, the
highest executive body of the Grand Duchy of Finland. As a Senator, he became
the prime mover behind many important projects – for example, the establishment
of the national Finnish currency and the reform of the educational system –
which created the necessary preconditions for the independence of Finland in
the following century.  He was also a
professional philosopher. Especially in his early works, he was a rather
orthodox Hegelian; his textbook Rättslära
was written as an introduction to Hegel’s theory of law. We show that in his  - otherwise not very original - work Snellman consistently
used the Hegelian notion of recognition
(Anerkennung) as the key
concept.  In this, his interpretation is in
accordance with the most recent Hegel-scholarship.

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Last updated on 2022-07-04 at 16:34