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Turku Centre for Computer Science – Annual Report 2013

SubtitleAnnual Report 2013

List of AuthorsIrmeli Laine, Johan Lilius, Tomi Mäntylä, Ion Petre, Outi Tuohi, Ilona Tuominen

PublisherTurku Centre for Computer Science


Publication year2014





Due to a major reform of organization and responsibilities of TUCS, its role, activities, and even structures have been under reconsideration in 2013. The traditional pillar of collaboration at TUCS, doctoral training, was reorganized due to changes at both universities according to the renewed national system for doctoral education. Computer Science and Engineering and Information Systems Science are now accompanied by Mathematics and Statistics in newly established doctoral programs at both University of Turku and Åbo Akademi University. Moreover, both universities granted sufficient resources to their respective programmes for doctoral training in these fields, so that joint activities at TUCS can continue. The outcome of this reorganization has the potential of proving out to be a success in terms of scientific profile as well as the quality and quantity of scientific and educational results. 

International activities that have been characteristic to TUCS since its inception continue strong. TUCS’ participation in European collaboration through EIT ICT Labs Master’s and Doctoral School is now more active than ever. The new double degree programs at MSc and PhD level between University of Turku and Fudan University in Shaghai, P.R.China were succesfully set up and are 

now running for their first year. The joint students will add to the already international athmosphere of the ICT House. 

The four new thematic reseach programmes set up acccording to the decision by the TUCS Board have now established themselves, and a number of events and other activities saw the light in 2013. The TUCS Distinguished Lecture Series managed to gather a large audience with its several prominent speakers. The development of these and other research centre activities continue, and 

new practices and structures will be initiated to support the tradition of close academic collaboration. 

The TUCS’ slogan Where Academic Tradition Meets the Exciting Future has proven true throughout these changes. Despite of the dark clouds on the national and European economic sky, science and higher education in the field have managed to retain all the key ingredients for success. Indeed, the future of ICT and Mathematics in Turku seems exciting.

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Last updated on 2021-24-06 at 09:13