Heli Kokkinen
 Opetus, ohjaus ja järjestelmät, matemaattis-luonnontieteellisen, teknillisen ja lääketieteen tieteenalaryhmä

  • Head of Library ServicesLibrary (University of Turku Library)


+358 29 450 2354

+358 40 726 5016

Naturankuja Yliopistonmäki


Officeroom 101

Turun yliopiston kirjasto

Turku University Library

Areas of expertise
library services, customer service, information services, information literacy


I work
in the library as Head of Library Services. My responsibility area is learning
services, which include customer services as well as information literacy
teaching (information search, retrieval and/or management) and information
service. I am also responsible for our services to and interactions with the
Faculty of Medicine, Mathematics and Natural Sciences.


Last updated on 2023-12-07 at 12:25